Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thinking of new craft.

I have been looking through my plastic canvas patterns and I realize that I have a lot of small canvas patterns. Most of them are things that little girls would like and then it hit me. I could make them and put them on hair clips and head bands. Then I thought about it and I could make headbands too. I have a ton of scrap canvas for small projects but was not sure what to use it for. Now I know what to do with it.

I ran this idea by my two little girls (ages 5 and 6) and they loved it. And what better way to advertise than to let them wear these hair accessories everywhere they go. You would think that with two little girls that like to have their hair done this idea would have come to me sooner. And getting the hair clips from the local dollar store, having the canvas and yarn already, This should be an easy business to get started.

I know that this post is short but the next will be longer and hopefully include photos. Wish me luck all and I will post as soon as I get some done.

1 comment:

  1. That's a GREAT idea and the best form of FREE advertising. All of your girl's friends will want one too. Don't forget to add that they make great gifts to put in Easter baskets in lieu of candy!!

    Stopping by from CM I am your newest follower.

    Best of luck!

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